We are excited to announce that the testing phase of our dual staking program will start this Friday.
What is dual staking?
You will be able to simultaneously earn DITTO and CAKE by providing liquidity to the DITTO-BNB pair on PancakeSwap.
The testing phase will be limited to 30 people
Limit of 0.005 LP tokens (approx. $1500) per person
Rewards: 0,2% of the DITTO supply
Start: Friday, January 1st
Duration: 3 days
Where? On ditto.money
NOTE: if you are already staking your DITTO/BNB LP tokens on PancakeSwap you have to remove them first and re-stake them on our website.
How to become a tester?
As already mentioned, only 30 spots are available.
10 will be given to DITTO partners, the other 20 will be awarded to community members as part of a small competition.
The goal of the competition is simple: DITTO MASS ADOPTION :D
Basically, you can do whatever you want to spread the word and to promote DITTO. However, you can find a list of some general ideas below.
- comment under every posting on twitter that contains $AMPL $RMPL $BASE $BASED $SHARE #rebased #elasticsupply etc. etc.
You can simply search for hashtags on Twitter and check for the latest posting. [make sure to comment something useful]
- create an article on medium or start a thread on 4chan/biz/
- be active in the telegram group and help people who are new
- create an infographic
All activities are to be submitted to telegram user @DeFiTrainer.
Why are we testing first?
Security matters. Very simple ;)
Before we open dual staking to the public, we want to make sure everything is safe.
For this purpose, we will provide a 100BNB reward pool!!!
Please report all bugs to @chefchansey and/or @thelastdegen via telegram.
It is up to the team to determine the exact amount of the reward. This depends, for example, on the severity of the bug. But also on whether this bug is found by one or multiple people. In case nothing is found no rewards will be paid out.
If testing is successful and no bugs are reported, the dual staking will be available for everybody by Monday, January 4th.